The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

World’s Gone Mad

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Mary Doll and Victor came round for dinner tonight.

Victor eyed up the salad suspiciously. “What is that?”

Me: “Lettuce”

Victor: “Lettuce is green.”

Me: “It’s butterhead. Some of the leaves are purple.”

Victor: “Lettuce isn’t purple.”

Me: “This one is.”

Mary Doll: “He likes iceberg.”

Victor: “That’s green.”

Me: “It isn’t chuffing iceberg.”

He was hilarious. He cautiously picked out a single green leaf and put it in his plate to accompany his lasagne. ONE LEAF. After giving it a taste (and deciding that it didn’t taste like bath water) he raked around the rest of the salad to find other leaves without a hint of any colour other than green!

Me: “It’s the same plant. They all taste the same.”

Victor: “Lettuce shouldn’t be purple.”

Me: “This one doesn’t know that.”

At least he liked the lasagne. He had an extra helping. I might put aubergine in it next time!


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