Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

D is for...

... a delightful discovery!

Each type of absence on the class registers is coded and today a student asked me why there was an 'I' next to her name for Friday. It actually means 'Off ill' but I told her it meant 'Incredible', which I think made her day! Later on, I went back up the alphabet, to ‘D Block', to cover a drama lesson. Contrary to what my photo may make it look like, my school grounds are really lovely but these directions painted on the pathway did make me laugh as they’re so austere! The D-for-Drama block was amazing, full of wonderful displays of costumes and props, as well as photos on the walls of past productions and concerts. A very nice 'discovery'!

Still feeling icky, I'd had to leave for work extra early in the morning as I had to feed my friend's cats on my way in. I was looking forward to being able to go home fairly swiftly after the last lesson but found out there was an hour-and-a-half training session (not a nice discovery, under the circumstances). On my way into the hall, however, I made a miraculous recovery, as the headteacher came up to me and said how impressed they were with me, and that the head of Science was thrilled I was staying... which brought tears to my eyes. They're just so nice!

The training session was about 'Online Safety' and was actually really interesting... although I now have to go and make sure I've deleted all the naked pole-dancing pictures of me on social media.  ;-)

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