This is the day

By wrencottage

Recovering Dorothy

I duly joined the online webinar "Recovering Dorothy" last Thursday, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I subsequently bought a copy of the book of the same name, signed by Dr. Polly Atkin, the author (who was discussing her book with Dr. Jo Taylor and Jeff Cowton on the webinar), along with two other Wordsworthian books. 

I've been in the Sam Read Bookseller shop in Grasmere many times, and usually come out having splurged on several volumes, but I've never bought from them online before. It made me so happy to see their beautiful logo on the parcel:  "Sam Read Bookseller Grasmere – Established 1887". (See extras)

All I need now is some time to be able to sit down and read them! I seem to have books dotted all around the house that have been started but not finished. There are worse problems I suppose.

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