Two steps forward...

By stevvi

Chappel Viaduct

I went to visit my parents and took a detour to Chappel Viaduct “on the way there”. The viaduct is an impressive structure but, for me, quite boring, especially to photograph. I gave it a go anyway and ended up with this tried and tested view from underneath looking along the length of the viaduct. You can make your won minds up as to what I was doing :))

The extra is of Abberton Reservoir, close to my parent’s house. It’s a simple record shot but included as I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many ducks in one place at the same time. I assume they all congregated together by that shore to shelter from the wind. There were plenty of egrets, herons, cormorants, geese and swans too but none of them doing anything of interest close enough to the camera to be of real interest.

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