
An early hospital appointment for me (Chris) turned into a longer stay than  expected (although it gave Annie a chance to do a great wombling job, she picked up and binned all the litter in the hospital car park - always useful to have a litter picker in the boot of the car). The good news is the repair to my detached retina looks OK and the next step is to schedule me for cataract surgery, the cataract having formed rapidly after two rounds of fairly intrusive eye surgery in the last 6 months. Having got the nod from my consultant for that to proceed, I went to have the eye measured up! I now await a call for scheduling the op, hopeful that will be in the next couple of months. 

Back home I squinted my way through the rest of today as the dilation of my pupils wore off and then sprinted (OK, jogged for 5 mins) down to the park after my last call to capture a beautiful sky. Nature can be very beautiful.

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