
...Emergency Book Blip!
Today's not been an easy day, but a highlight was getting a call from an unknown number and it being a woman who lives on the streets that I've not seen in a long long time... She'd still got my number on a piece of paper I gave her years ago and stopped a random person to ask if she could use her phone! Anyway she told me where she's sleeping so I went to see her this afternoon and take her a sleeping bag (the nights are damp and cold at the moment). Man it was good to hug her, though there wasn't much of her to hug... I'm looking forward to more time with her in the days and weeks to come. 
The blip is Danny having taken over from me reading the Narnia books to the kids...we're at the start of the Magicians Nephew. The complete works of Narnia was Mom and Dad's Christmas gift to Asha...it'll keep us going for a while!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny fixing a long standing problem with my Apple account. Thankyou Danny!!!
2) Friends who pray for us.
3) Seeing Salomé again and someone cancelling on me meaning I can go see her again sooner than I'd thought. I love how things just work out sometimes...

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