campervan man

By campervan

Last nights meeting

There is a proposal to build a huge solar farm near to the village. Last night there was a meeting with the proposed developers laying out the case for the development.

To be honest it will not really effect me but other villagers could have problems so I went along to support them but with an open mind.

I expected a slick presentation, computer graphics and a soft hard sell. I was disappointed. The quality of the presentation was established at the very beginning when they found they had not brought an extension lead to plug their computer in, fortunately one of the villagers had one in their car 
Lots of things were said, mostly in very general terms, but all indicating the development would cause no problems what so ever. The main things I recall involved all construction traffic would use an access track that avoids all the surrounding villages, they would plant screening hedgerows to hide the hardware and anything that makes a noise would be sighted in the centre of the site.

The presenters ignorance of their subject became clear when it was pointed out the site slopes and screening would not work as the top of the site would always be seen. They had no answer to this.
Dan, a guy who lives up the road seems to be an expert on noise, who knew. He pointed out that decibels might not be high but the nature of the noise produced, a low hum, means it travels a long way. The site chosen is so far from any main road there is zero background noise so anything produced by this development would be very intrusive. They struggled unsuccessfully to counter this argument.
When she was asked directly if she thought the access track would be suitable for up to 900 return trips (their estimate) by heavily laden lorries she said she could not be sure. Asked the alternative she did not know for sure. When informed the only alternatives would be through the middle of at least one of three local villages she could not comment.

I am sorry for the extended post but I am disgusted that a big development company could produce such a poor show. It was like the city slickers are coming out to explain to the yokels what is going to be done. They had not done their homework, they had not done their preparation and were not qualified to answer our questions. 

Of course it is all irrelevant because the big money will win and we will get our solar farm. It would however have been nice if their pretense of consultation was more professional

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