I posted this…

…a little earlier on Instagram and I was quite sad as I did so…

Lost a friend today and she was always one of the first to comment or like a photo of our two dugs.

Known Mo for a long time…early memories of her being the lassie in the produce department of our local super market when I went shopping there with my Mum. She was then a work colleague of mine and MrR’s in same supermarket. Mo was a guest at our wedding and a neighbour when we moved into our first home together and over all those years a friend.

In these recent years Mo was a big presence on my Facebook feed…either commenting on stuff I posted about the weans or the dugs or with her own we posts…rants :-). She was a woman who told it as it was, and called out injustice where she saw it. She had a big heart, Mo.

The news today was quite shocking, although she’s been unwell I thought and hoped the medics could mend her.

Alas it was not to be. Rest in Peace. I am grateful for your friendship.

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