A Little Madness
Jake got a new rubber duck today. The madness began like this...
Step 1. Grab duck by the leg, lean forward, wag tail, head on the floor and growl!
Step 2. Growl louder, wag tail faster and shake duck like crazy!!
Step 3. Run up and down the hallway and repeat steps 1 and 2 until exhausted or until Donna says "NO MORE YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!"
This goes on and on, and is hilarious, until it gets to the point where you have to make him stop or he might keel over! Then he falls into a deep sleep...
In other news, we had the hottest April day for 100 years, 37 degrees! Right now it's 10pm and we're down to 20 but we will have mid thirties until the end of the week, will it ever end !!!!
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