Whisky's new spot
A day of gardening today, and I even managed to extract some compost for the first time from one of our compost bins. Yay! It was fascinating to see the wee beasties inside the bin, and there wasn't a sign of the rat, which was disappointing. Whisky's new sunspot is on top of compost bin 1.
I planted cucumbers, radishes and tomatoes today - the first time I've tried to grow veg so let's see what happens.
F and I are gearing up for a 39 mile cycle run tomorrow from Gatwick Airport to Greenwich, London all in the aid of Sustrans. Our sponsorship page is here. We're hoping for helpful breezes and sunny (but not too sunny) weather. I really value to work Sustrans does to create workable cycle networks that are safe and enjoyable to ride on. We'll be mainly on Sustrans tracks tomorrow.
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