Poorly human

My human isn't very well. She's aching all over and although some of her aches and pains can be attributed to our big long walk yesterday............. she has other flu type aches and pains and is very cold and generally just feels yuk!

Last night she was sooo tired that she said we had to go to bed at 9.15pm. We got up at 7.15am and I went for a 40 min walk to Morningside Park. That wasn't really very exciting as Morningside Park isn't very big so I was only off my lead for about 5 mins.

After breakie, Ann went to work and I had 'home alone snooze time'. She only works for 4 hours at a time, but obviously as she works in a shop, she is on her feet for the whole shift.

Yesterday after our big long walk she discovered she had the biggest, most massive blood blister on the ball of her foot and it is really, really painful. We could put a photo in extras. It's about an inch wide, but seriously does anyone care? By the time she came home, just after 1.30pm, she was limping, it was so sore. She's not really sure what to do about it. It's underneath a load of hard skin?!! Should she try and burst it? Or should she just wear thick socks and hope that in a few days it will be easier to walk on?

I was still in my bed having snooze time and I've said it before and I'll say it again...................... I really am the most adaptable little collie pup ever.  Ann said, 'Trixie, I need to have lunch and then a bit of a rest for an hour or so and then I'll take you round the block. I'm sorry but that's all I can manage.'

I would have been OK with that but do you know where we went after Ann had had a rest?....................... We went to Colinton Mains Park so that I could play with my ball. Yay! Obviously we went in the car, but walking round the park is about the same distance as walking round the block and I got to be off my lead for the whole time and I played with my ball for about half an hour. How good was that? Ann is such a lovely owner to take me for run about time, even when she doesn't feel like run about time. And running about after my ball for half an hour makes me really, really tired.

As for my human..................... she doesn't feel great, but hey ho, she's just done a COVID test which is negative, so at least she doesn't have that??!!

PS – the pulled muscle in the back of her knee (that she had yesterday) seems to have miraculously recovered.

PPS – just watching the Scottish News - £300,000 to cut the bottom off classroom doors in Scotland to increase ventilation? Seriously???? Is that really necessary?  When will all this COVID madness end?

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