Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Office relocation#1

There's a bit of action and energy in the parish right now. I am doing my best to not slow it down.
We have decided to relocate the op shop into part of the hall. My office has been identified as the ideal space to be a room to sort the donations, so I need to relocate too.

The 'whirling dervishes' emptied a tired grotty store room of all the trash and treasure within it last week, so that I and the admin volunteers can move into it. - after a spot of painting.

So after a full on baptism Sunday service, I turned to my office and packed it in one long and full-on session.
All that was left when this photo was taken was to take down my ridiculously large name plate. (It was meant to be a fraction of the size, but something for confused on my midnight online shopping efforts! - honest!)

Here's the 'before'.
My Vicar's office

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