Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Rock, paper, scissors

My granddaughter Levi Hope gave me a small journal for Christmas. I am not a journal writer much but I have a journal that I record poems, quotes, lines from books and words. So I tried to think of how to use this journal in a way that I could give it back to her at the end of the year.

In January I read a blog by Shawna LeMay about incorporating the words I love and I hope in daily journaling. So I am using those two things to begin sentences about everyday things I love. I have been writing most days but now I am going to start adding some art and maybe a song choice. I may get tired of it but I hope to write through all the seasons of the year. I may as some of my favorite poems and quotations. It is a project not using a camera!

The still life came about as I was cutting the photo and had set the rock on the page to hold it open. My old brain made the connection of rock, paper, scissors and there was my photo for today.

If you are interested in reading Shawna’s words her blog is Transactions with Beauty.

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