Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

An audience with a local celebrity!

The celebrity is Yang, a Hexham cat, who has sprung to fame because of his role at Hexham Hospital. He leaves his home every day and walks to the hospital. He likes nothing better than to sit in the window of the main foyer where he greets his loyal subjects. He sometimes goes outside and sits on or in a waiting ambulance where he receives treats!

A lot of people find his presence reassuring when they are going to the hospital and I expect he has counselled a number of those in distress.

Mum had to see the dentist at the hospital today. I left her with Yang while I went to move the car to a parking bay. This was the sight when I returned.

The dentist was new, very pleasant and she found that a filling has dropped out. She replaced it which was fine. Adjusting the surface of the tooth afterwards took ages. All seems well now.

Mum's chest is improving.

It has been bitterly cold today.

PS Yang has been nominated for a PDSA Order of Merit for services to hospital patients.

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