Thank you for the many stars yesterday! Joyful day!!!
Strong motions during workday. A high hope (wasted), disappointment and getting back to basics after all. I was so tired after works, that I just lied on the sofa for a while and thought if I just could hibernate to retirement... TIGF = Thank God, It's Friday!
Then my daughter offered me a sauna night. So nice from her. Took my towel and bathrobe and drove to her place. Relaxing time there, tea and a bun after sauna.
We also had a call from grandma. She had had the surgery today because of her cancer in intestines. Everything went fine in six hours surgery and I hope the future will be ok too.
Some shoveling of snow as I came back home - just look how big pile we have. Almost as tall as my Renault Clio!
-4c, cloudy, some 5cm delivery of snow.
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