
...from the Latin auspex, auspicis a diviner by birds.

Just after the digger had gone out this morning a lot of magpie squawking started off nearby - there was a group of six of them having a noisy argument in one of the maples. Six for gold - OK, I'll take that.

Working was at home and rather a drudge. I nipped out to Shop at lunchtime and spotted a blipper who was also mooching round the square on the look-out for a blip. On my way back in there was another, much sweeter, outbreak of bird noise - a few goldfinches flitting about the trees singing loudly and flicking their tails. Maybe it's what impresses the lady goldfinches. Anyway, they seem to have decided to behave as if it's spring despite the temperature.

Oh, and here's a wee tribute.

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