Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

little and LARGE

I tried to "glue" 2 TOGETHER. Was asked to explain why there was no EXIF
I said the following (appended below)... It vanished into the system never to be seen again.

This is the left hand side and the explanation.

Tomorrow I'll try the right hand side and the reason for trying to glue them.

You mighty few can imagine them glued together.

Downloaded 2 photos.
Checked in My Pictures Details present.
Dimensions: 3648X2736
Date Picture Taken: 03/05/2009 09:33
Camera Model: Caplio GX100
Type: Serif PhotoPlus Picture
Size: 3.64MB

Opened 2 Photos in MS Office Picture Manager
And Clicked "Properties" It spake thusly
Type: JPEG Image
Dimensions: 3684X2736 pixels
Size: 3.69MB
Modified: 03/05/2009
Location: C:\Documents etc
Camera Properties
Camera Model: Caplio GX100
Date Taken: 03/05/2009

Cropped both and checked again.
Info still present
Since copy/paste from MS to Serif is not possible
I was forced to "Save as" in "My Docs" (As JPEG)

Checked again info present in Serif
One said...
Model: Caplio GX100
Date/Time: 03/05/2009 09:33:11
Exposure Time: 1/2000 secs
Exposure: Programme
Exposure Bias:0.00
Focal Length: 5.1mm
Flash on/off: Off
F-number: F/9.1
ISO: 1600
Metering Mode: Centre weight
White balance: Auto
Light Source: Unknown

The other was similar.

After several attempts it would appear that the mere act of copy/pasting ANY untouched image within Serif strips off the EXIF

WTF is that.

As Serif is the only Photo software I have PAID FOR I am loathe to buy another, purely because it can't be trusted that the photo I display today was taken today.
What's to be gained by lying? Particularly since I have to twice declare its age.
Once after uploading and once before publishing, I could understand if a prize was involved.

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