Very soggy winter aconites

There is a lovely patch of winter aconites along the Water of Leith in Coalie Park. They seem to be spreading every year, which is to be expected. I actually photographed them ages ago, but they do seem to last well, so they supplied me with a blip on a day that didn’t have a lot of opportunities for photography. I was on my way down to the market to pick up a few bits and pieces, including some chunks of mutton that got made into a delicious curry this evening by Mr A. On the way back, it was even wetter and my new coat from Tiso definitely proved its worth.

I contemplated putting the rocking chair on Freecycle, but hazelh got in there first with a request. It’s not that we don’t literally have the room for it, but we don’t have a good place for it, and she can see a place for it by her window looking out onto the famous garden. So that makes sense all round. We’ll hang on to it for a few more days until they are back home.

Having sorted out the TV on its new bench yesterday, we brought the sofa back in from Mr A’s room, which has been its winter resting place and moved some other bits of furniture around. It shouldn’t be too long before we get our new sofa bed for Mr A’s room / the spare room. Then we’ll get a choice on chilly evenings whether to spend time in there, or to stay in the living room.

Other than that, I’ve done a fair bit of work. Concentration is so much better at the weekends, when there is nothing more than an occasional trickle of email! I must find a way to ignore email during the week when I need to concentrate. I was mainly busy with one of my preferred activities, namely the preparation of a teaching handout for one of my classes. By my calculation, I now have only 2 more handouts for the UG class and 4 more handouts for the PG class to prepare. One of those four needs to be done tomorrow, but is on one of my favourite topics, namely electoral rights and democracy in Europe. I did a few other bits and pieces as well, ticking stuff off my to do list (which is not too long this weekend). Anyway, with rubbish weather, I don’t really resent the time spent on work. I know things will be better next year.

And I managed some exercise. So all is good.

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