The lady's not for turning

... in her grave.

Today we learnt that Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke. A divisive character, much has been written and said about her, especially today, and I am not in the business of regurgitating others' soundbites. I also don't believe that this is a forum for articulating my political views. However, I would like to share a few things that spring to mind when I hear her name ....

1. Spitting Image. Possibly one of the best satirical shows ever. The sketch that is lodged forever in my mind is the one where MT and her cabinet are being served dinner. The waiter asks her 'And the vegetables?" MT replies, 'They'll have what I am having'

2. The Falkland War. I bet there's some celebratory tangos in Buenos Aires tonight.

3. Billy Bragg. I went to university at the height of the miners' strike and Billy played a storming gig at the Student Union. Happy days.

I could go on and on but I won't. But I will share a Facebook status update from one of my friends today. It simply read 'Ding dong ...' I'll let you work it out (& it's not a Leslie Phillips reference)

So today's blip is the front page of the Evening Standard ... with a glass of milk. I thought it fitting :)

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