Woman Walking

By njoyce06

Running Free.....

Abby was out for a walk, this afternoon.    I walked down into the dry retention pond and dropped her leash.  At first she walked along beside me,  then  caught a scent and went her way.  I walked off another to see what she would do.  When she was out there with Molly, the two would take off and run around like two wild banshies!   
      Today, she went off, sniffing and then she took off, running around for about half way around the pond.  She saw me on the other side, and ran back to me.   I think she surprised herself with how far away she was.
      This was the first time she has felt free or happy enough to play.  I was really glad to see the change in her demeanor.     I bent down, growled and we chased each other around before heading up the side of the pond.   It was really nice to see her doing better.

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