Tree. Desert. Clouds. Sinking Yellow Orb.
Answer to yesterday's riddle: the letter "R"
*I need to get hiking boots.
*My friend on the east coast is planning a visit in a couple of weeks.
*What's the fascination with chocolate?
*Is there a reason (my) feet are colder when wearing slippers with socks than without them?
*Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?
* I have a favorite opera (seriously). It's loud and brash and German and there you can find Valhalla. Are you familiar with it?
*Thanks for all the love on yesterday's Madera Canyon Mexican jay.
Today's riddle
When I point up it’s bright, but when I point down it’s dark. (I am not the sun.)
What am I?
PS Let me know what you think of the extra. I did it as a camera club project
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