Photos in A Major

By A

The benefits of an MBA

There are fringe benefits of being married to an MBA student. You get a grounding in the topics, you are reminded how much work it is and how social media and mobile devices have radically changed the university experience. But also, you get left to your own devices and told to amuse yourself for several hours at a time. 

So, that’s what we’ve been doing, Monty and I. A 20k run first thing, both on an empty belly (well of you can call two cups of tea entirely empty). Then a brief refuel (marmalade sandwiches, Monty’s favourite) and time to wash the cars, they needed it believe me.  Monty has been guarding his bed for much of the afternoon, preventing it from getting cold, while basking in the sunshine!

Afterwards, some time to “play” with my Christmas present from the Guv and BG. Obviously it’s not ready to actually make anything yet, these things take time, however after much thinking and tea drinking, the top is now fitted, the rebate cut to allow the table insert to be flush and the NVR switch attached also. I still have a few more drawers to make and fit, plus also the router to attach to the table. But that’ll have to wait for another day, as the student has returned to the house and beckons some company. 

Happy Sunday Eve all. 

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