No more manky old balls

As you all know, I am very good at finding manky old balls when I'm out on my walks. I carry them all the way home and put them into my 'manky old balls box'. I've found so many that my manky old balls box is full to over flowing. (See here)

Today Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm going wash all your manky old balls, then I'm going to put them into a bag ready to take to the Edinburgh dog and cat home.'

I have to say I wasn't very happy when I heard that. I've found 44 manky old balls and I love every single one of them. Unfortunately for me, Ann had already decided that they were going. Boohoo.

However, Ann always explains to me her reasons for doing things and she told me that the doggies that live in the Edinburgh dog and cat home don't have such a comfortable life as I do. Apparently some of them won't even have one ball to play with, let alone 44. Also, I've still got about six of my nicest balls in my toy basket, plus another three or four that live in the car.

In my heart, I know it's the right thing to do. I have a lovely home with lots of toys but I can still remember when I was a weeny, teeny little puppy and I spent a couple of weeks in kennels before Ann adopted me. On Friday I will have lived with Ann for three years. Yay! It's very, very, sad that some little doggies never find their 'forever homes' so if giving away my manky old balls makes their lives happier then I know it's what I must do.

And guess what?...................... Even though my 'manky old balls box' is now empty; I'm so good at sniffing out manky old balls that soon I will start to fill it up again. And Ann has promised me that I can keep all the manky old balls that I find until my 'manky old balls box' is full to overflowing again. Yay!

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