Pirate ship

Another walk across Hyde Park today, this time to the Princess Diana children's park, which is probably the best play park I've been to.  It even has an attendant on the gate, as adults cannot go in without children - and children can't leave without adults.  A pretty (very) good tactic. Couple of hours there, adults nursing a coffee and feeling the effects of a rare late night with a couple of drinks. 

Home this afternoon, many tears from the youngest about leaving and plans for a camping trip when the weather is a bit more amenable to it! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
A great trick picked up from our friends to do at the dinner table, everyone has to have one thing that has made them happy, and one thing that has made them sad that day.  We did it this evening. 
Home, children in bed and a quiet evening ahead 
Getting away for the weekend, it's always good to get away

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