New lights
Henry has worked on these 3 kitchen lights all afternoon. He did come up against a problem initially, as a big metal rsj goes exactly where we had planned for them to go - but the problem was overcome. The landing floor had to be taken up, and once he had managed to get the wires through, the lights were fitted between the next two beams, then 'fashionably?' looped across so that they hang centrally. We still need to get light shades and nice bulbs, but I'm so pleased with it, and proud of Henry! Again benefiting from his skills!
All I've done is a bit of cleaning. Nothing very much actually. The weather hasn't been nice, but I managed to dig up a few hellebore seedlings and snow drops to take to Jenny's for her new garden.
How quickly the weekend goes, and how slow the week days!
Chatted to mum on facetime tonight, and tv after our splits stretches....we haven't been keeping up with them - but now it's February so we are starting again, as I had another of those 'doing the splits really easily' dreams :-). My dreams have always been wild and fanciful...and very occasionally have come true. This one is going to come true one day this year I hope!!
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