A full day

We’ve had quite a full, fun day today, sadly missing Ben as he had to work.

After church, Jon, Martin and I went to check out the boat place that we’re using for Jon’s birthday celebrations next week. Out on Noosa River, lovely spot and hopefully will be a reasonable weather day.

This summer has been really unusual, mild, cool, rainy! The most rain they’ve had for a looooong time.

Then onto a gin distillery that Martin has been wanting to check out for ages. Jon and Martin did the gin tasting and I had a house special. Lovely afternoon and we did come away with two bottles of some very bespoke gin!

Then a quick trip to Noosa Botanic Gardens, dodging some rain showers! A beautiful spot it is.

Then on the way home we decided to call in at a “cattery” that Martin had been recommended. We are keen on getting another cat, and this breeder breeds Blue Burmese cats. There were some VERY cute kittens in various colours. And the lady said that one of her cats would be having some kittens soon, so we might just be able to get one … or two! Thirteen week wait though, which might be a bit too long for one of us!

As we drove away, Jon spotted a place that looked like another brewery. This one a beer brewery. We called in and had some really good beer actually. And some delicious dim sum to boot. And the setting was perfect. There was a petting zoo beside the barn and lots of open space. Really nice, and just 20 mins from our home. Will definitely be going back there, and the gin distillery.

A rather lovely Sunday indeed.

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