This evening

Trouble with rubbish phone camera is it often fails completely. Thought I was doing well this morning taking a few shots of an object which has been puzzling me for days. Nothing came out at all.

Spent morning phoning national line on equivilent of National Insurance payments as passed so much time trying to download relevant documents from internet.
Woman on phone was very patient and seemed to munderstand my complicated trquest. However dhe was having IT problems today! She was really persistent and I eventually received what I was after.

Didn’t make much sense for ages as it showed me with years of contributions which the powers that be had taken to mean I still worked in my old job. Finally I realised I’d paid voluntary NI contributions yearly after coming to France to make sure I got a state pension. Here lies the problem. Sent explanation to avocat who said he understood. We’ll see what will happen., but I don’t feel hopeful as its all so last minute.

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