By lizzie_birkett

We’re gonna be late!

John leaves the house about 6.45 am for work.
Frank and I slept so sound that we were still in the land of Nod when Amelia came into our bedroom to wake us up at 7.30. The girls had wanted to go to Breakfast Club which starts at 8.15. But there was no way we would make it. Even getting to school in time for first bell didn’t happen!
We decided to take the dogs and walk a different route to avoid all the muddy paths through the park. We thought it would take 20 minutes but by the time both dogs had done their biz (4 poos in all to pick up!) they ended up being 2 minutes late. Both girls were panicking as they hate being late for anything - so do Frank and I. We’ll know better next time. Anyway the girls said all was fine when they arrived in class.
We collected them in the car this afternoon as the weather is horrible out there.
While we hade time to ourselves this morning Frank and I went to B&Q and I bought paint for the living room. I had a £25 voucher but even so it was expensive - I could believe how the price of paint has gone up. I hope I’ve bought the right colours!
After school Lucy joined me in doing some art work while Amelia played Roblox with her friend remotely. Then she had a piano lesson to go to.

All this cold damp weather makes think a lot about those who are cold in their homes or on the street.


I heard the sleet pelting on the windows
And snuggled further down under the covers
And thought of those less fortunate,
Without a roof, money, food or warm clothing
While those in power try to hide their wealth
Abroad, or in shares. Shares! What a joke!
They don’t know the meaning of sharing.
Meanwhile those with little themselves
Donate to those with even less 
There, but for the grace of God go I.

It’s book and bedtime now.
Goodnight Blip friends. :-)X

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