
Not yet, it isn't but the early signs are appearing.   Catkins, snowdrops.  Today in the churchyard at Llanegryn, I saw my first primroses of the year .... and my first daffodils.   The site is south facing and somewhat sheltered from the North by the hills, the plants here certainly in advance of those at Rhydyronen, along the Talyllyn, down in the valley and more exposed to the north.   At a guess these daffs have been here a long time, the weathered gravestones and their jaunty angles suggest so.   At least the daffs and the church are standing up straight .... ish.

The picture was taken while Jamie had his massage.   We were a few minutes late after, a morning distraction when Jamie found his fridge not working (switched off accidentally by whoever moved the microwave in front of the switch!)    A visit to help out had a knock on effect through the day.  Ruth and I did make progress on the list of admin around her coming move but the batch of biscuits I made were still coming out of the oven when I should have been leaving.    Thankfully the massage lady is very relaxed and we were only five minutes adrift.

An early blip tonight.  After tea I'm off to the Tywyn Garden Club's first meeting for two years and my very first visit.   Hoping to find a few fellow plantaholics :-)

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