Big Fat Pipe
Pleasant surprise today as the walk along the footpaths wasn't squishy, well, mostly not anyway. Cambourne seems to be made of some waterproof material - it takes an age, like weeks, for puddles to drain.
Talking of drains, I came across these on the circuit around the path. They relate to the building works for the secondary school.
The evening involved getting the Meeting's internet reconfigured from a cheap provider, to one who understood what I was talking about.
Setting up a router that had been donated, on an ageing PC, could have been a nightmare, but went remarkably well - until Outlook got involved. Like just what design of settings enables receipt of email, but the same credentials (and we only have one set) don't allow sending it.
We have a solution that broadly excludes Microsoft and everyone is much happier.
New connection is really rather quick. Slightly envious.
That all took somewhat longer than hoped so karate had to be dropped so I could finish* off the accounts.
Is that light at the end of the tunnel? Or just another mountain to climb?
*in an asymptotic sense.
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