All lined up

Love the little surprises you get as you tidy up from the day, a selection of cars all neatly lined up together.  

Beautiful reading this evening from the eldest.  He's been put up another level (and is so proud) and read to me in the car on the way home.  The youngest is equally proud as he has also gone up a level. 

I spent this morning sorting out a social media issue, where a picture had been posted that shouldn't have been - 3 hours of sorting it out, removing, finding who had shared it and of course it had been taken by a professional photographer who had shared it to an image library... the fun. All sorted in the end.  Anyone who thinks social media is free is mislead. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Waking up before the alarm and being keen to get up and out with the dog.
Finding a way to make butter icing without icing sugar (I'd run out, as had waitrose), the result was delicious - I'd promised the boys a chocolate cake whilst they did their home work 
The eldest loving his reading

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