It's getting lighter. Yay!

Don't you just love these lighter evenings and mornings. I no longer have to wear my illuminating collar when I go out for my 'first thing in the morning walk'. And when Ann goes to work 1-5pm she no longer has to leave a light on for me, because when she comes home it's still light. Yay!

Today Ann was working 1-5pm. When she does an afternoon shift, I go out for a little 'toileting walk' between 7.30-8am and then I go out on a big long walk for 2-3 hours because by the time Ann comes home from work all she wants to do, is take me round the block (for toileting purposes) and have a glass of wine.

This morning the sun was shining and the sky was blue, but it had rained during the night so Ann said, 'Trixie, everywhere is going to be really wet and muddy so let's just have a little trek around town.'

We trekked around town for 6.85 miles. I had some 'run about' time on the 'Meadows' (in this BLIP - that's a massive grassy area in Edinburgh, for those of you who don't know). And then at the end of the walk I had some run about time in the grounds of the 'Royal Edinburgh Hospital'.

For the rest of the time I was on my lead Grrrrrrrr................. I walked along the 'Canal Path' but I had to stay on my lead because there are always loads of aggressive cyclists on the canal path. It's a 'shared pathway'. The cyclists don't own it. Grrrrrrr........... Cyclists don't seem to understand the term, 'shared pathway'??? Why bells aren't mandatory on bikes; we don't know??? My human could RANT forever about inconsiderate cyclists but she won't because..................... who cares?

Anyway I had a lovely long walk this morning so I was more than happy to have 'home alone snooze time' while Ann went to work this afternoon.

After another short 'toileting walk' we watched the NEWS.................

............Apparently Boris is going to remove ALL COVID restrictions by the end of February 2022. Mmmmmm.......... I bet Nicola isn't going to do that????

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