
The boys rushed upstairs when they got home to play on the floor next to the husband until it was time to go swimming. I think all were quite happy with the arrangement. 

I hadn't been out running for about a week until today and needed to get out and blow the cobwebs away.  Took the dog - happiest dog around I think,  poorly leg followed by 'the chop' has meant he's been off-games for a while and he had a really good run around the fields as I plodded along. I also cracked on with the masters and the research proposal is nearing completion - ahead of time! No doubt I'll find something to make me question it all and feel the need to make changes. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Getting it together and getting out to clear my head 
Happy dog, it's been a tough few weeks for him 
The youngest telling me he loves me when I went up to say good night (and desperately try to get him to sleep at a decent time!) 

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