I wish
I'd got a little more of the landscape along the bottom of the image.
Indie's i.d tag flew off her collar just along from here, & could I find it... No I could'nt. So that's another job to add to my list. I may stop & have another look today after my walk with the DPHT ladies. Yesterday was glorious sunshine (back blip). Lots of aerial activity, people jetting off to the sun, or skiing perhaps. Third agent arrived to look over the property, he actually worked for me at the garden centre approximately 20 years ago. He'd just come out of the army, not sure what he was going to do, so was doing casual work. I employed him to do the daily plant irrigation. We chatted about work colleagues, so I got him up to speed with the guys from our department.
I made a batch of chicken liver, orange & whisky pate, all portioned in a silicone muffin tray, perfect for freezing down.
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday #Manmade
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