Winter Heliotrope

Flowers in the darkest and coldest months.  I’m back at Tyntesfield for a little walk - got to make use of my National Trust membership - this is currently the only place I use it. 
It’s growing on the edge of a woodland area, in a big patch - and the flowers really smell sweet. 
The extra shows the leaves with the sunlight shining through - they are like sunflowers, in that the leaves all move to face the sun as it crosses the sky. Mr Google tells me Helios is Greek for Sun - so I guess this is how they got their name.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen this plant before.  I use an app called Seek on my phone which - when it feels like it - tells me the name of the plant I’m scanning.  I’ve learned a lot on my walks, using it. 
PS the version of the photo you get if you click on the little arrows to the right of hearts gives a MUCH clearer picture of the flowers.

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