back in the [final] Office

Most of my roles have already seen a move back to 'hybrid' forms of working and today saw the last of them, to my personal relief, finally follow suit!

Earlier this morning, I was delighted to attend a 'hybrid' meeting of the Accounts Commission, at its Offices located at West Port, in Fountainbridge. First time I've actually been in the building since early March 2020.

I have blipped the external-facade of the building before - but here's the view from inside the meeting-room where the Commission holds its deliberations ...

... and despite having lived in Edinburgh for nearly 30-years now, I just never tire of its sheer beauty. Today has reminded me of the words of Alexander McCall Smith:


"This is a city of shifting light,
of changing skies,
of sudden vistas.

A city so beautiful
it breaks the heart
again and again."


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