Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2601. Animal Crossing bag

My friend was recently in New York and managed to get to the Nintendo Store there. She sent me a couple of photos of things that she thought I might like…so she bought a few bits and pieces on my behalf and I met her for coffee this week to collect them!

This was the first thing she got me, a wee Switch carrying case which will not only hold my Switch for travelling but my phone too. It looks a bit pink in this photo but it’s actually a pale blue and it’s a perfect size for me for travelling.

My other Switch has been collected and if it cannot be repaired this time, the insurance company are going to replace it.

A busy day with my youngest as he finalises his assignments for his OU course. It’s much warmer at ours so he worked here for most of the day and only has one more question to complete and he’s done!

We are seeing my youngest step daughter and her partner for the first time in months, tomorrow as they are coming here for lunch and we may finally be able to give them their Christmas presents…

My middle step daughter hasn’t tested positive for covid but her partner has and fortunately we have had little contact with them recently so we have tested too…but so far nothing to worry about.

Keeping positive that our pre flight covid tests will still be ok next week….

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