Yesterday two greattits came to visit. Looked like a couple searching for their next des res. The sparrows got on with them. Mrs Blackbird said 'Other side of the garden please. This side and space is mine'. Mrs Blackbird and Mr Blackbird have the huge honeysuckle and clematis bush. The little birds, sparrows, wren, and robin have various bushes and trees. So, they have the tenements.
My wee little female bluetit is still flying with the sparrows. I think she thinks she is a sparrow. A beautiful sweet male bluetit did come in and spent three days trying to win her over. But alas, my little female bluetit showed no interest at all in him. And went back to playing with the sparrows...and he left.
Creative today is using the palette knives I now have in Procreate. Also using the same base photo as yesterday. And getting a little nearer to my original vision of a few days ago.
What am I doing today?
Anything that makes me smile!
Have fun!
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