Capital adventures

By marchmont

Bowes Swan

Ooh, what a great night's sleep, such a comfortable bed. This led to a late start but I headed out to explore Barnard Castle. Many pics were taken but this is an one from the afternoon, the famous silver swan in the Bowes Museum.

Earlier I walked round the town, checked out some of the lovely shops and enjoyed the sun. Two things: I never seen so many electric wheelchairs in my life and so many people remarked on my boots (see extra).

After lunch walked up to the Bowes Museum. So much stuff, a bit like the Burrell. The swan is silent at present and may be silent for a while but it was still good to see it.

A bit more waking round the town and then a Donald Russell steak. Now listening to 'Any Questions', from Barnard Castle, the Witham up the road. 

Been a good day. 

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