Thirsty work

For those of you who think that Keyser lounges around on chairs, benches and sofas all day long, here is proof that he does go out from time to time.

The field behind the house is fantastic, because it's huge and fenced and ideal for Keyser to chase tennis balls and, when those get lost in the grass, sticks. When the grass grows back it'll be even more difficult to find balls and sticks. My throwing is pathetic not what it used to be, so I use a tennis racket to wallop the balls as far as possible, giving Keyser loads of exercise.

When he's had enough tired he becomes very possessive of the balls and refuses to drop them for me. He was at that stage this morning when I blipped him at the trough where he always has a drink before returning to the garden. Guarding his yellow ball! The water in the trough looks disgusting because we haven't had any rain for ages to 'dilute' what's left!

Having had an hour-long walk this afternoon Keyser is now curled up asleep beside me on the sofa...

Tuesday means 'The Syndicate' is on tonight - yippee! Is anyone else enjoying it?

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