Happy birthday

To me!!! 

I attended one of my sewing groups today, we haven’t met since the beginning of December so had plenty of catching up to do. As usual I took plenty of tasks, but got a bit distracted helping one lady to fit a dress that she is making and two other ladies who are planning quilts, team work pays off.

An update on yesterday’s saga. I was asked to go to the chemist’s to enquire about my antibiotics at 9am. I rang to see what the situation was. The prescription hadn’t arrived and as the surgery wasn’t open today, it wasn’t going to arrive. The key thing was that they didn’t have a pharmacist on duty and didn’t know when he would be in as they close at 12.00. 

There was no guarantee that I would get any tablets, so I decided just to go to my sewing. The mental stimulus of the company and the sharing of delicious sponge cake with everyone, as well as paracetamol and copious fluids, was the best prescription available!!! I do feel a bit better today than yesterday.

Dinner at home tonight, more celebrations tomorrow. 

Our first two snowdrops appeared in the front garden this morning. 

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