A Sweet Song
............ some nice sunshine again today and I think this chap was pleased to see it ;-))
We attacked my bête noire this morning - defrosting the freezer - I hate doing it, so it doesn’t get done until I can hardly shut the drawers .......... of course it took ages but I’m really glad it’s done again for a while ;-)
I’d love a frost free one but there are two things stopping me ......... because they are so insulated now with thick sides, to get the same internal capacity as the one I’ve got means I would have to have one around 6 feet tall .......... my current one is around 4 feet and I use the top of it for storage etc because my kitchen is quite small - so that’s a real bugbear. The other reason is - the old one ( now more than 25 years old ) works perfectly and I can’t bring myself to get rid of something so reliable............ so it looks like I’m stuck with defrosting until it packs up .......... maybe I’ll do it more regularly so that it’s not so bad ........... hmmm, I think I’ve got more chance of becoming prime minister, lol ;-))))
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