Oooer Missus!

A new chain saw sculpture at the side of Coppice Pond spied today.  It was attracting one or two ribald remarks, lol!  A morning walk with friend H to feed the ducks.  It was absolutely freezing!  Some time spent in the bird hide too.  Blue Tits and Robins around, and a Nuthatch came down to take some of the nuts left for the squirrels.  No squirrels to be seen which is unusual.  Perhaps they have finally bunkered down due to the biting wind. Extra of the birds and pond. We finished our walk with hot chocolate in the Ivy Kitchen just to get some feeling back in our hands!  Then dashed home to get changed and get an earlier bus to community choir as I needed some shopping on the way.  A good sing and lots of banter as per usual. Party night for the choir confirmed for May, so some options given for the menu today.  Seems like normality is creeping back in.

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