Miserable day.

Early (for us) start today. Jodie picked us up at 9.15 so we could watch the boys at Rugby. It was bitterly cold, but at least it wasn't raining, like it is now. 

Woody was not a happy bunny, and didn't want to join in .... He'd rather watch from a warm sofa. Franky was awesome, he's very competitive and agile. He's like a whippet when he gets the ball. They aren't playing the game, just learning the basics and having fun.

I retreated to the club house with Woody for a hot chocolate.

As the weather took a turn for the worst I thought I'd have a go at tabletop photography. I'd got a sheet of wrapping paper, so used that as a backdrop. Tried getting refractions in water drops. It's really not my thing, and I'm not too patient at it either. I'll add one of my efforts as an extra. I decided to snap through the wet window for a safer bet for my main. Done before, and no doubt will be done again. 

The house is one of my friends, one of the 'Grenville Grannies', I can see 4 of their houses from mine, I'll miss seeing their homes when we move. I'm not nosey, but it's nice having that distant contact.

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