After the Kyna.

By Triciamb

Afghan crochet techniques

This ginormous bed spread was made by my Irish grandmother in her 80s and 90s. The photo has her handwriting on the back, clearly claiming it as the Afghan crochet, I had just thought of it as granny squares.
Much too big for even the most generous king size bed, it was only later that it was divided up, one part becoming a poncho for me sister. 
A fragment remains and is in the Dashound’s bed, as indeed it has been pressed into use with all my own dogs:
Coffee, the chocolate brown Lakeland terrier
Sam the white Labrador cross, a rescue dog, initially terrified of grass and water,
Moses the black Labrador who adored catching rabbits
Jinja tan miniature Dashound I inherited from my mother, who loved chasing the low flying aircraft and was so proud of herself that they left, 
Bliss, the Springer Spaniel, who I inherited when the next door lodger did a moonlight flit, the most intelligent of all the dogs 
Kyna, whose name is meant to mean wise and intelligent, she certainly knows how to get her own way.

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