Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

No, I will not open my eyes!

It's been another day of high winds and heavy rain. I have not been outside except to throw suet pellets for the blackbirds. They know where to wait.

I was shattered after yesterday, so I had a slow start. I cast on a helmet pattern and made good progress with the flaps. 

What else? I did only one load of washing, prepared a lamb casserole for the slow cooker. (This is a new way of cooking for me, so I hope it has worked. There is no smell of cooking which is quite unnerving.)

The day slipped by. I did not even manage a sleep this afternoon or the phone calls I had planned.

An early night would be good.

Daisy did not like the weather. She found a fleecy scarf of mine and snuggled up on top of it on the duvet. She was certainly not playing ball for the photographer but I love her anyway.

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