The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

At A Loss For Words

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The Prince has recently started playing Wordle and this is amusing me. A lot.

By complete coincidence, at the same time, I have started playing ‘Wordle Watch’, a new game I made up, where I surreptitiously take pictures of The Prince concentrating on Wordle and send it to EMP

He has the same face in EVERY picture and it cracks me up. Is it childish? Yes. He has also caught me doing it but that just makes me laugh even more!

He also likes a bit of post-play analysis…

He got today’s word, ‘Robin’, but decided it was a questionable Wordle word.

The Prince: “‘I would never think of ‘Robin’ as a word to guess”

Me: “Because it’s a specific type of bird rather than, say, ‘birds’?”

The Prince: “Yeah…just like I wouldn’t guess ‘Whale’”

Me: ?


PS This picture doesn’t actually convey how dreich it was on our walk was today (see extra of Murphy).

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