Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 30/55
Main activity: Sun - rainy run, around the house, SuperBowl
Notes: Was headed out with bike in full gear when it occurred to me I should check the radar and showed a big band of rain already over us (wasn't raining tho) and lasting for several hours. I didn't think that was the way to do my first ride in this area tho so put the bike back up on the rack and changed to running clothes. Sure enough, rain had started by the time I went back out again. Wasn't too much of a downpour and was a nice quiet Sun morning run in some new neighborhoods. Made nice breakfast and watched Sun Morning Show, then did some laundry and things around the house, epsom bath and relaxed the rest of the day. SuperBowl wasn't super and didn't care all that much tho was hoping LA would lose.

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