Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

A Macro Experiment

Today's blip is a bit of an experiment and step into the unknown. I recently saw an article in a camera mag about how to do Macro shots by reversing your lens and I thought I would give it a try.

I ordered a reversing ring from ebay (which arrived today) and have fitted it to an old kit lens I had hiding in the bottom of my bag. This is one of my first shots to try out the technique.

The object of the photo is the knurling on a brass stand that I made on work experience at the old Railway Carriage apprentice school in York many moons ago. I started out with a large piece of brass and turned it on a metal lathe into a rather nice mount for a plumb bob that I had also turned out of a piece of steel.

I thought that this would be an easier subject than flowers or insects for the first attempt (the brass stand doesn't move!)

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