
By XSworld

Not just fashion and finance

Today has been a gray day, still very little rain though, but I hope it will increase tonight! We need rain!
I spent the day in Milano, a city I don't like at all! Never have. It might be the city of fashion and finance and a great place to dine out, but it is terribly polluted and it also tops the italian statistics for homeless people. Last year there were over 12.000 of without-roof's (as we call them in Italy) in Milano alone, some of which sleep in conditions like the ones on today's blip.

Who was this boy
his scribbled sign
in grubby hands
Its heart felt plea
"I just want my childhood back"
Are we reminded
he is someones son
and his dreams were
as good and as valid
as our own

Or do we judge and tell ourselves
We would never get like that
and walk on ny and as we do
our heart cries too
"I just want my childhood back"

(Tracey Francine Stillito)

This guy is probably hoping that it won't rain tonight!

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